
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Local technologies: A pictorial

Ever wondered how rural folks, those that live away from the hustle and bustle of city life, get on with their lives? Here are a few ideas to give you an insight... quite amazing!

A permanent 3-burner earthen stove that uses firewood. Once lit, it keeps the heat going even after the firewood has been removed... quite energy efficient.

Another earthen stove. This one is inside a hut, away from the elements. The flame is from charcoal.

Chicken pens for laying hens. The structure also doubles as dish-drying rack. Quite unique!

A mobile chicken pen. This one is used mainly for keeping a hen and its new chicks to protect them from birds of prey and others predators.

A permanent chicken pen for older chicken. It is raised to protect the birds from snakes and other ground predators.
Baskets to protect young tree seedlings from wind, mowers, and grazers. The baskets are weaved from bamboo.